Pamper mum with a pair of artfully designed canvas shoes and
delight her taste buds with our own specially packed chocolate gift hamper! =)
My medal! The MOE team 2!
Ok, two wks after the matches, I SPRAINED MY ANKLE! haha.. I fell down on the stairs. Missed TWO stinking steps. Dun laugh. RAHH! Although it was quite scary and painful, it was a blessing in disguise ba. Hahaha.. cos after going to the sensei and having my left foot bandaged, walking was painful and I was limping. AND.... elvin piggy back me from bus stop to my block! hahaha.. It was not easy k! Ask adeline and you'll know how she hated me when we had to train out thigh muscles by piggy backing each other! hahaha.. Cos I AM VERY HEAVY! heavier than MANY guys. hahaha.. =) I must say it's quite a sweet experience. haha.. =)
My bandaged foot.
ok last thing before i start making my way for evening service with the GIDEONITE! aka my favourite sister! Clap for my most couragous sister, EUNICE TAN! *clap clap*
Yup, this woman is going East Timor, Lautem, with sis Lily, bro boyle and sis ann. I am missing her already. Nearly everytime we talked on the phone when sis was in training, we'll cry.. She's a very important person in my life... We xiang yi wei ming in Spore all these yrs when everyone in the family was going back to msia.. And now she's leaving me too.. for a year! *sobz*
Sis at graduation
Went for sis's graduation yesterday and today my whole family came from msia to show support cos church was praying for her team. Haha.. pastor andrew actually welcomed my family! haha.. The last time we appeared in church together as a family was like when I was sec 4? so that's about 4-5yrs ago! haha.. =) I love my family so much.. *wail* I miss my sis! ok.. she's actually like just next door now actually. hahaha.. Can't imagine what's gonna happen on Thurs when she flies off... NOOOOOO!!!
Ok.. I gotta go off le. Gideonite cannot be late for service. Hope pastor rick won't hint me to go again today. hahaha.. I will go! just not now since i'm bonded. ha. =)
I did this to my wall in 30min. My room was too dark but after this, much better. hahaha.